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Some examples from another freelance assignment. The client wished to create a corporate flyer that graphically demonstrates how their product works. They wanted a simple yet communicative series of illustrations. Brainstorming via phone and email, I created a series of sketches which led to color cartoons that fit their needs.

Some text and proprietary information has been edited from the following illustrations.

That campaign worked so well, that I was hired to develop a follow-up series of cartoons, demonstrating how their product can work in a different market.

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You can contact me by email at knightndayemail@aol.com

ALL material on this page is copyright John Steventon, or his clients, and cannot be copied from this site or used in any manner whatsoever without permission. The comic strips and characters including Knight and Day and The Inquiring Minds are ©2000-2003 by John W. Steventon, Jr. All rights reserved.